You can now make an online donation. We have partnered with Chesapeake Bank to provide a secure online donation system. Simply click below to proceed with your donation.
In Memory Donations
We receive many donations in memory of a loved one or friend. If your donation is provided in-memory, please include information about the person for whom you are donating and, if possible, contact information for the family. We will make every effort to send a donation card to the family informing them of your gift. If you have any special requests for the donation card being sent to the family, please let us know and we will attempt to accommodate those as best we can.
If you are making an online memorial donation and would like to notify the family of this donation please email the Treasurer at with the contact information.

Donations can also be made through the mail:
Mathews Volunteer Fire Department Inc.
P.O. Box 1130
Mathews, VA 23109
Annual Fund Drive:
We conduct an annual fund drive, by mailing a donation request to all property owners, residence and businesses in Mathews County. Our fund drive mailing includes a brief description on how we used previous donations and our goals for the upcoming year. We receive funding from the county to support our department, but we rely heavily on your generous donations to meet our operating expenses.
We do not solicit funds over the phone or go door to door, so if you receive a call or a visit to solicit funds on our behalf, please let us know.
United Way Donations:
Donations to the Department can be made through The United Way by simply writing in Mathews Volunteer Fire Department on your United Way Pledge Form.

Fire & EMS Departments
- Abingdon Volunteer Fire Department
- Gloucester County Volunteer Fire & Rescue
- Hartfield Volunteer Fire Department
- Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad
- Rappahannock Volunteer Firefighters Association
- Riverside Walter Reed Hospital